Yellow Jacket
Yellow jackets are a very common problem, both because of their nesting habits and their aggressive behavior. Adult yellowjackets are 3/8 o 5/8 inches long wasps, depending on the species. The abdomen is black and banded with yellow. Some species have white and yellow banding. These are social insects and, depending on species, build nests in trees or shrubs, underground, or in void spaces in structures.
Mud DauberMud Daubers are one of the insect worlds most skilled masons. They craft brood cells out of mud for their young. The long, slender adult can be seen collecting mud at the edge of eater, then returning to the nest to add the new material to her cells. She is usually black and may have some colored markings or a metallic luster.
Bald Faced HornetThe baldfaced hornet is a large yellowjacket between 5/8 to one inch long. The body is black and has white marking on the head,thorax and abdomen. These are social insects that build aerial-paper nests. The nests are the large (bowling-ball sized), round or oval nests commonly seen hanging from tree branches after leaves drop in the fall. Baldfaced hornets will attack ferociously if their nest is disturbed.
Paper WaspWasps in this group range in length from 5/8 to ¾ of an inch long. The eastern species are generally dusky brown in color, marked with yellow, but sometimes black or orange. Paper wasp nests are shaped like an inverted umbrella. They may be built under porches,eaves, or windows; in voids;or in vegetation. The site selection of this group often brings the wasps into close association with people.
European HornetThe European hornet is very large wasp measuring between one and 3/8 to 5/8 inches long. They are brown with pale yellow stripes on the abdomen. These are social insects, building aerial-paper nests in hollow trees and building.